
Arthur C. Clarke dies at 90

Arthur C. Clarke, the Author of "2001: A Space Odyssey" and one the great three in the Sci-Fi field has died in Sri Lanka at the age of 90.

He was one of the greatest writers in the Sci-Fi field and a distinguished visionary, it is a sad moment for me, as 2001 is one of my favorite novel and has drawn much enthusiasm  in my life for so much time.

Farewell Mr Clarke, I enjoyed your work so much, thank you.

MSNBC: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23697230/


A Constructs of Trust

I found this definition of trust to be comprehensive, according to Dr. Duane C. Tway, Jr. in his 1993 dissertation, A Construct of Trust.

He defines trust as, "the state of readiness for unguarded interaction with someone or something." He developed a model of trust that includes three components. He calls trust a construct because it is "constructed" of these three components: "the capacity for trusting, the perception of competence, and the perception of intentions."

Thinking about trust as made up of the interaction and existence of these three components makes “trust” easier to understand.

The capacity for trusting means that your total life experiences have developed your current capacity and willingness to risk trusting others.

The perception of competence is made up of your perception of your ability and the ability of others with whom you work to perform competently at whatever is needed in your current situation.

The perception of intentions, as defined by Tway, is your perception that the actions, words, direction, mission, or decisions are motivated by mutually-serving rather than self-serving motives.


VectorWorks Dimensions

While the dimension tools are very important and contain many options, their usage is very simple, as long as you keep them organized into classes, they are self explanatory and can be easily used.


Dimensions are either associative or non-associative, an associative dimension keeps its connection with the vertices that it is measuring (these are shown in small red squares), you can edit them using (Modify -> Edit Constraints)

Usual Dimensions

Linear, Radial, Angular, Center Mark and Datum dimensions are the usual dimensions are very point-and-click interface.

Dynamic Measuring

Two tools provide dynamic measurements without creating a dimension object, these are:

  • Tape Measurement Tool (for linear readings)
  • Protractor Tool (for Angular readings)

Design/Sheet Dimensions

These are not really dimensions in the usual manner, but they really measure something so they are considered more of dimensions, they include:

  • North Arrow
  • Scale Bar
  • Grid - Rectangular
  • Grid - Polar
  • Drawing Border

They all provide readings that is the same in the whole Design layer, so they don't need to be associative to any object, instead they are associative to the page.

Dimension Standards

The common dimension standards are:

  • Arch (to have slash at the ends of dimension lines)
  • ISO (to have arrows)


Annotations can be mainly done using the usual Text Tool (1) and Callout Tool (Alt + 1), more specialized annotations can be used, like:

  • Redline Note Tool
  • Revision Cloud Tool
  • Stipple Tool
  • Room Name Simple Tool
  • ID Label Tool
  • Break Line Tool

VectorWorks 2D (3)

Move Tool (Shift + M)

The tool has two useful options, the first is that you can use the data bar to use a numeric value, so that it becomes the same as the Move option in the Modify menu; and its ability to become a cloning tool by setting the Retain option in its Preferences window.


And speaking of Duplicate options, two very useful tools are available (Edit -> Duplicate Array) and (Edit -> Duplicate Along Path).

Paste in Place (Ctrl + Alt + V)

The Paste in Place is the same as Paste to Front in Adobe Illustrator, which duplicates the object in the same location.


These would be useful tools, I should try to use them occasionally.


The Purge option (Tools -> Purge Unused Objects) is very useful to decrease the file size and keep it clean.


These tools are very useful, the Convert To Lines (Modify -> Convert -> Convert To Lines) allows a 3D object to be converted into the 2D representation of its current view, also the Convert To Polygons turns it into 2D surfaces (where each polygon is considered a surface).


VectorWorks 2D (2)

Align/Distribute (Ctrl + =)

A good implementation of the tool for organizing and aligning objects,  what's interesting is when I get to 3D editing (there is an Align/Distribute 3D which would be very useful to master), a something to remember is that it handles locked and 2D loci differently than normal objects.

Clip (Alt + C)

The clip tool might be useful in some occasions, where a functionality like select and delete is needed, there is a polygonal selection mode too inside of it.


While I think the Connect/Combine tool is less useful in 2D, in NURBS and 3D it would be very important, also its ability to handle Walls would be more useful than I initially think.

Useful Tools not used so often

  • L : Split Tool
  • Shift + - : Offset Tool
  • 7 : Fillet Tool

Handling Surfaces

VectorWorks understands the concept of surfaces (2D/3D) and can handle them using the Surfaces commands (available in the Modify menu):

  • Intersect Surface
  • Add Surface
  • Combine into Surface
  • Clip Surface

Calculating Centroid

A very simple way to calculate a polygon (or a number of polygons) centroid is to use the Model -> Engineering Properties -> Place locus at centroid -> OK


VectorWorks 2D (1)

User Favorites

A simple way to save and edit your resources favorites (because there are too many resources in the current Resources Library and there is no way to browse it without opening each file from the Resources palette) is to go directly to your user directory and edit files in it.

The User directory can be easily accessed by Tools -> Options -> VectorWorks Preferences -> User Folders -> Explore

And you can simply save a shortcut from it for later accesses.

Symbol Types

When navigating the library, you can find different kind of symbols, they are mostly are:

  1. The symbol has a small "2" icon in the right lower corner of its thumbnail, it is a 2D-only symbol
  2. The symbol has a small "3" icon in the right lower corner of its thumbnail, it is a 3D-only symbol

  3. The symbol has no small icon in the right lower corner of its thumbnail, it is a 2D/3D hybrid symbol

  4. The symbol label is in black, it is an ordinary symbol

  5. The symbol label is in blue, it is a group symbol (when inserted, it will be a group)

  6. The symbol label is in red, it is a plug-in symbol which includes some VectorScript logic in it or a symbol that is translated to a high-level object in VectorWorks (a wall, door or even a DTM)

Color Charts

To easily calibrate your printer to your current color library select Tools -> Utilities -> Create Color Chart then print the group that gets in the middle of the page.

2D Reshape

I think the 2D Reshape tool is one of the greatest tools in the CAD industry for editing vector entities, it can achieve so much in no time.

Its ability to add and remove vertices visually is very good (much like Adobe Illustrator), also its new multi-vertex selection mode (when the cross-hair is visible) is great, you can stretch parts of the polyline by selecting the vertices to stay connected and move them as a single edge.

Also the ability to select multiple vertices and then delete them is a huge improvement, you can even change a Bezier edge (or segment) into a straight segment by selecting the vertex point and deleting it directly.

2D Polylines with a single curved edge

The simple way to create a curved side of a polyline is to point to the bezier curve control point and drag-click over it, it will give the same result as setting the Polyline tool mode to Bezier Vertex Mode.

While you can use the mode directly if there are many successive curves, to switch to the mode (using the U key) and then returning to the Corner Vertex Mode every time a single curve is needed is too much of overhead to make such a shortcut very important.


The Arc and Circle tools are very versatile, they can be used in many modes, you may try to fiddle with them before actually using them, that might give you a good idea about what should be used in which situation, especially the "Arc by 2 points and point on arc" which is similar to the arc tool in the SketchUp application.


These tools can be accessed from the Modify menu.

The Compose is a great tool, it takes lines/polylines/arcs and connects them together into a single polyline, the great about it is that it doesn't need the polyline components to be closed, it automatically fills the missing edges and hides the by default, you can later reshow them using the 2D Reshape tool.

Decompose is logically the equal to AutoCAD Explode (mostly, I suppose), you give it a polyline and it turns it to its basic form (lines and arcs).

They don't work on symbols, but by converting symbols into group (Modify -> Convert -> Convert to Group) and then ungrouping the, they work correctly on them.

Object Info Palette

While the Object Info Palette is not limited to 2D objects, mastering it is crucial to easily use VectorWorks.

It can be used to edit a single or multiple objects, when selecting more than one object it displays their number and the common properties in them, you can click on the three small circles beside the objects count to turn it into Individual Edit mode (it turns the 3 filled circles into 2 hallow circles with 1 filled circle between them) , this retains the selection and allows for editing the individual object properties, and you can cycle between the selected objects by the back and front arrows beside the three circles.

Groups Shortcuts

  • Ctrl + G : Group
  • Ctrl + U : Ungroup
  • Ctrl + [ : Edit Group (Enters inside the Group and allow for editing inside it)
  • Ctrl + ] : Exit Group (Exit the editing mode)

Drawing Order Shortcuts

  • Ctrl + F : Send to Front
  • Ctrl + B : Send to Back

مستجاب الخامس

لقيت قصة لمحمد مستجاب علي منتدي ... مستجاب الخامس ... مهولة في المستوي و الفكرة و الرمز

حافة النهر .... مستجاب الخامس


مستجاب السابع ... إحتفالية ذات الوجة الجميل


شكراً للسيد راتب علي الروابط


إنها دولة الأنطاع

مش عارف ... أنا حاسس إن مصر بقت دولة للأنطاع، غالباً أعلي نسبة أنطاع في العالم كله
تبقي ماشي في الشارع .... الدنيا زفت و الجو تراب و مش لاقي عربية تركبها في شارع فيصل المرعب، علي فكرة شارع فيصل ده شخصياً ممكن تقعد تكتب عليه سنين و سنين و مش هاتقدر تعرف الخاصية الغريبة إللي فيه إللي بتخلي أي حد بيبدأ في أوله مايوصلش أخره قبل ساعة، رغم إن طوله الكلي مايزيدش عن 12 كيلومتر ، المهم فجاة تلاقي عربية ماشية بضهرها و السواق بتاعها قاعد بيزمر بأسلوب يخليك تفتكر إن الشارع ده الصح بتاعه و إنك كمجرم واقف في طريق مستقبله.
تعدي البيه و تقول مسكين ... أكيد إتزنق في لفة غلط و لا حاجة .... و فجأة تلاقي حد طالع من الشارع إللي قبل الملف بوشه عكس حركة  الشارع عشان ياكل الملف إللي قدامه بدل مايحترم نفسه و يمشي في إتجاة الشارع العادي، و في نفس الوقت الميكروباص المتين بيلف من نفس الملف عشان مايكملش الخط لأخره و يركب زباين، و الناس واقفين إستعداداً إنهم يكبسوا عليه و يلحقلوهم كرسي و لا حتي وقفة ببعض من البقية الباقية من الكرامة الإنسانية فيهم .... يقوم السواق الأولاني داخل في جنب أقرب ثلاثة من إللي واقفين و الميكروباص يبتدي يركب و هوا في نص الملف (يعني في عرض الشارع) و الناس بتجري ..... تحس فجأة إنها حالة من النطاعة العامة منتشرة مابين الناس كلها.
بلاش ... بمعجزة ما تقدر تركب العربية الميكروباص و يادوبك الدنيا تمشي... تلاقي ميني باص (ده إللي هوه الكبير بتاع الميكروباص .. وده له قصة عظيمة برده ... بس ما علينا دلوقتي) واقف في نص الشارع بيحاسب حد نازل و قاعد بيتخانق إن الأجرة غليت و الراجل مصر إنه كل يوم بيركبها بريال (رغم إن الأجرة من ساعة ما وعيت علي الشارع ده و هي عمرها ماكانت بريال)، و ما علينا.
الدنيا تتحرك شوية و بعدين تلاقي السكة كلها مقفولة .... أتاري راجل صاحب عربية كارو (عربجي قد الدنيا) ماشي بيتمختر في الشارع و أكنه ماشي لوحده في الصحرا.
اللطيف في الموضوع إنك توصل لحد محطة المترو ... تقعد تنده علي الراجل بعزمك "علي جنب يأسطي" و هوا و لا هوا هنا .. كأن الطبيعي إن الناس مابتنزلش ... بتركب بس .... لغاية ما يتفضل و يتكرم و يسمعك ... و في اللحظة دي تبدأ مأساة تانية ...  إنك تنزل فعلاً ... و دي إسمها في كتب التاريخ ملحمة (يمكن يكون سبب الإسم مختلف في الكتب دي، بس ده إحساسي الشخصي) سواق الميكروباص مركب بزيادة جداً لدرجة إن مفيش مكان تحط رجلك فيه ... و حتي لما يبقي فيه .. تحس إن النطاعة المتفشية مسيطرة علي الأداء العام للناس ... محدش عايز يتحرك حتي لو خبطته بكتفك بغباوة عشان يتحرك ... تحس إنك خبطت إللي جنبه.
و هنا تبقي وصلت بحمد الله للمترو ... و من هنا تبدأ مأساة تانية .... بس بعدين بقا


Web Design Concepts

I've had some time in the web design profession (both personally and professionally), but I found this book to be of particular interest to me: The Principles of Beautiful Web Design.

It walks through the design process through the systematic (yet beautiful) selection of layout, colors, textures, typefaces and images; I think this method works well with my way of thinking.

Some of the new findings in this book:


  • The layout design process should produce a design comp (the comp is the simulation of the printed material before the final print, it refers here to the design mockup of the site, before the HTML phase)
  • The design process is composed of 2 main phases: the Discovery and the Implementation
  • Three rules are important to be met in order to make the design (good):
    1. Users are pleased by the design but drawn to the content (so a balance must be met)
    2. Users can move about easily via intuitive navigation (so if you can't manage to navigate the site with ease, probably you won't navigate
    3. Users recognize each page as belonging to the site (even with different sections, the soul of the site must be seen)
  • A particularly useful ratio for the design is the Golden ratio (the 1:1.618) which many myths circle around it, but in all cases it gets a good looking ratio for the site balance
  • ... while a simpler way is to use the Rule of Thirds (divide the sketch to 3 vertical panels and divide them to 3 horizontal panels) and try to snap your design components to it.
  • Balance must be maintained in the site design (either in the symmetrical or the asymmetrical designs), the balance occurs when you feel that the total weight of all the elements are bound to a single point, not by just their shapes, but by their shapes, sizes and color.
  • Unity is another concept that helps keeping the site together, a unified design is a design that works as a single unit (mentally), it can be achieved using:
    1. Proximity, or that related components are kept closer to each other
    2. Repetition, where items with repeated design are more considered as a single unit, as the unordered list
  • Emphasis, on the other hand deals with getting a single item dominant in the design (a focal point) through proper:
    1. Placement, using the center of the container to draw attention to it
    2. Continuance, where the eye is sliding over continuous objects until it hits its ending, where an object might be placed for emphasis
    3. Isolation, as any object that stands out from the group demands attention from the viewer eye
    4. Contrast, the more common way to draw attention by keeping the change between elements as large as needed; in color, shape or size
    5. Proportion, where by unreal scaling of elements (or real but exaggerated) you draw attention to it
  • Enough of design theory, some of the implementations that are commonly used are the left column navigation, right column navigation, and three column navigation
  • The least used design element while being one of the more important is the white space, it is crucial to have enough white space in the design
  • A good idea is to keep a Morgue folder where you keep all the designs related to your current design to help you in the inspiration
  • A choice between the Liquid-and-fixed width designs should be based on:
    1. A Liquid design adapts better for different screen resolutions, while on larger screens can cause too-wide lines and most of the time causes awkward or hard-to-manage white space
    2. A Fixed design better handles white space and spatial relations between items, while risking being too-large or too-small on different screen resolutions
  • Some stats that are useful: Browser Statistics and Display Statistics


VectorWorks Plans

The VectorWorks is a big monster that I'll learn piece-by-piece (and many pieces I'll never manage to learn), but some of the many parts I'll try to cover in the next posts:

  • The drawing organization (the concepts and right designing of Design Layers/Classes/Sheet layers/Viewports/Saved Views/References)
  • The Architecture parts (Walls, doors, windows, floors, columns, worksheet drawings, the ability to finish a complete architecture project on VectorWorks from A to Z)
  • The interior design (the lighting and furniture, especially in booths design)
  • The landscape (plants, hardscape, softscape, irrigation, grading, site model and modifiers, staking)
  • The interaction between it and the GIS (importing/exporting shapefiles, using georeferenced imagery, the DTM and exporting it the GIS, using attributes and records)
  • Visualization (trying to use it as a substitute to 3dsmax and Autodesk Viz in architecture and Landscape visualization, getting the most out of RenderWorks and the Radiosity renders)

Some other parts I might start to (finally) learn about, but I'm not sure when:

  • 3D Modeling (most of the modeling I done is either basic shapes or Architectural-focused, I need to learn about NURBS, mechs, surfaces, complex 3D geometries)
  • VectorScript (I think it's a shame to be a programmer that works in an Engineering and Designing office and know nothing about how to customize my environment)

Other parts I will certainly not cover:

  • Mechanic Design (The Hardware parts, machine components, welding, bearings, springs, and so on)
  • MEP and HVAC (I hardly know the meaning of the acronyms, and we don't work in this field in the office)

VectorWorks Shortcuts

I've started to learn VectorWorks a week ago, and it might be the time I finally leave AutoCAD for good.

I'll need these keyboard shortcuts in the day-to-day use to become faster:

  • A-Q-S-W-D-E-F-R : For the Snapping settings (think about the first 4 keys in the left side of the keyboard)
  • U-I-O-P : For changing the mode of the current tool in the toolbar (press the U repeatedly for the first group, I for the second, and so on)
  • Y : To enable/disable the SmartCursor cues (the Horizontal/Vertical/Point/Object/... messages the VectorWorks keeps displaying when snapping)
  • T : To display a guide from the edge you are currently pointing to with the cursor (called Smart Edge), this gives you the ability to snap to the same extent of the line, and not just horizontal or vertical to it, also gives the ability to create parallel lines automatically
  • G : Sets a local Datum point, this enables the X and Y coordinates to be counting from it
  • Tab : Set the focus to the floating  databar, so you can enter Length, Angle and other settings in the databar
  • Many shortcuts are also available for the basic 2D drafting tools, most notably:
  • X : The default Select tool
  • 5 : Polyline
  • 1 : Text
  • 6 : Circle
  • 4 : Rectangle
  • Shift-M : Move (Can also be done by the Selection tool, just select then drag, or use the Disable interactive scaling to move by any of the anchor points)
  • Alt-Shift-L : Trim (Don't try Alt-Shift-T, I've done it so many times I'm considering to change the shortcut in the settings)
  • = : Mirror
  • Alt-= : Rotate
  • An interesting missing shortcut is the Scale (you can use Modify -> Scale Objects... , or use the Unrestricted Interactive Scaling Mode in the Selection tool to do it interactively)
  • Backspace : Used to undo the last point insertion in the drawing mode

Some old Findings

I always find some things that may seem silly to people, yet very useful to other people, I'll keep posting about such things until I find that really interesting thing that no-one can find silly, and keep it to myself.
Some of these silly things:
  • If anybody tries to convince you that the GIS is another platform you can learn and lightly use it then later forget about it, be warned, it is a really dangerous plot to turn normal people into geography-loving map-making freaks that speak all of the time about the lack and inaccuracy of the publicly available geo-data and about how accurate the data you personally collect and process compared to your government's data.
  • I'm a big loser to stay in the Microsoft developers camp for so long (VB 2/3/4/5/6, VB.NET, then C#), I've heard about Java in as early as 96/97, but never tried it before 2 months ago, and it is a great language to learn and a great community to join
  • Apple got some of the greatest designers in the tech industry, I just wish I have enough money to be a full-time mac user (or that they become more affordable in foreign countries).
  • Adobe is the graphics designer best friend, Thank God Microsoft is failing in its pathetic attempts to take over the graphics market.
  • People using AutoCAD should be using AutoCAD 'til the end of their lives, its the best punishment for learning such a bad program from the beginning, it is one of the worst large applications ever (every industry has better solutions for its users, especially in the Architecture, Landscape and GIS industries), I have to switch over to anything else.

My First Finding

I started in the tech industry about 13 years ago (August 1995 to be exact) and the only finding I found is that no one knows everything, and no one can survive without everyone, it is the miracle of the Internet that nearly half of the people who know anything about technology got their knowledge from there.
Long live the Internet, long live the knowledge in it, and long live sharing.