
VectorWorks Site Modifying (1)

After the site model is generated, two different display modes of the site model object are available - existing and proposed. The proposed DTM is a calculation of the existing data altered by site modifiers (where the site modifiers are specific objects with capabilities to modify the site model).

Site Modifiers:

  • Pad: a 3D polygon representing the shape of an element which modifies the site model, and can be closed or open (open pads are called "break lines").
  • Fence: a 2D polygon which limits the area of topographical transition between existing site data and site modifiers; outside the fence, the site remains unchanged, and within the fence, the site model is defined by the site modifiers (it can be created automatically using AEC -> Terrain -> Create Fence from Pad).
  • Grader: helps to balance the cut and fill so that the site does not require earth to be moved in or out. A grader applies an even thickness of fill for the site over its area.
  • Texture Bed: converts a 2D polygon into an area of the DTM that can be textured, and RenderWorks is required for creating and rendering texture beds.

Texture Beds

Te texture bed has a very weird behavior, and can be frustrating in the beginning, as its main role it to patch a part of the texture of the DTM with its own texture, so it should use its own assigned texture or its Class's texture, but that's not the case, what it really use is the Class property, not its own Class!

Under the Elevation setting there is another Class setting that you can't select a Class from interactively, its name has to be entered manually, that's where really the texture would be used, you set the texture for the Class, copy its name and then paste its name in the Texture Bed Class setting.

Also note the Texture Bed is a Site Modifier, it won't update the texture of the Site Model if not showing the Proposed model in the 3D display.

Site Model Updating

For the Site Modifiers to take effect, the DTM requires updating to reflect the modification. Select the site model and click Update from the Object Info palette (I think they should have an Auto-Update feature in the Site Model).

Massing Models

In Many occasions, you don't really need the overhead of creating a building where a building shell for illustrative purposes is all you need. The Massing Model is an easy way to create a representative or context building when a detailed building is not required.

You can specify it's:
  • Name and Label
  • Height and number of floors
  • Wall and Roof Classes
  • Roof properties
  • Whether Site Modifiers are use, where a pad and control fence are added to the base of the building and allows the building to modify the site model

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