
VectorWorks Site Modifying (2)

Roads from Stakes

A road object can be set to be a site model modifier, and changes the proposed DTM when the site model is updated.

To create a road:
  1. The centerline of the road is defined with a polyline (with its interior vertices must be arc-smoothed)
  2. Stakes are added (the elevation of the stakes are initially set to the surface of the site model) using AEC -> Roads -> Station on Polyline
  3. The elevation can be modified before the road is created (by setting a the stake at one end of the road and running AEC -> Roads -> Align Stakes Vertically)
  4. The Road object is created using AEC -> Roads -> Create Road from Stakes
  5. Finally, the site model is updated and modified by the road object

NURBS Roadway

A Roadway (NURBS) object offers a simpler, but less exacting, way of inserting a road on a DTM.
It can be created using:
  • Roadway (Straight)
  • Roadway (Curved)
  • Roadway (Tee)
  • Roadway (NURBS)

Landscape retaining walls

A landscape wall object (retaining wall) can be set to be a site model modifier. It changes the proposed DTM when the site model is updated.

Landscape walls can be drawn using the tools:

  • Landscape Wall
  • Landscape Wall Arc
  • Landscape Bez

A Noteworthy setting in the Landscape Walls is the Left and Right Pitch, which are the angels of the left and right faces of the wall and the Top Width which is the width of the upper face of the wall

Hardscape objects

A hardscape object is comprised of paved areas with joint patterns and optional borders

You can control the Hardscape:
  • Name and Label
  • If it is Boundary or Pathway mode
  • Width and Offset from the centerline
  • The Joint pattern (the main hatching pattern in 2D Display)
  • The path border setting
  • The 3D Display type (Slab, Pad or Texture Bed)

The Hardscape object is very versatile in that it can combine several objects in 2D and 3D (mostly a 2D Patterned polygon + Stipple + 3D slab/Site Modifier)

Enhancing Hardscape Visuals

To coordinate the joint patterns of several hardscape objects, configure the hardscape objects with the same settings and drag their main pattern origin control points (marked with the red locus) to a common location.

The angle or origin point of a hardscape fill can be adjusted. Move the control point at the center of the hardscape to control the origin point of the paving pattern (including a hatch) and change the Joint Pattern Angle value to adjust the angle.

Controlling Site Modifiers Visibility

View -> Show -> Show or Hide Site Modifiers

Property Lines

Property lines are similar to the COGO and Traverse Tools in ArcGIS and AutoCAD Map 3D, and I have little experience with them, so I think I would visit the manual again when I need this tool

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