I found a great article on the JSF 2 Spec (the View technology of choice for the Java EE 6 stack) and what's new/updated from JSF 1.2.
It serves as an overview to the new features in the JSF 2 and not as a comprehensive review of a single feature, it covers:
- The inclusion of the Facelets technology in the JSF standard and the View Declaration Language
- The composite components (or construct-your-own-component-without-major-hassle)
- New standardized Ajax support and the Ajax request lifecycle management
- The (inspired by Apache MyFaces Trinidad) partial state saving
- New system events
- Improved navigation system
- GET requests improved support and the view parameters
- The (Seam-inspired) additional scopes (View/Flash/Custom Scopes)
- The new (and much awaited) Managed Beans annotations
- New project stage declaration (for separation between production and development stages)
- The new client behaviors
- New bean validation system and the new validators
- Improved error handling
- Resource Loading
The article is available here What’s New in JSF 2 by andyschwartz
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